Our Early Years Team

Welcome to Early Years

Our Early Years Leader is Mrs Kimbley

Our Reception teachers are Mrs Kimbley and Miss Riley, who work alongside Miss Phillips (Nursery Nurse).

Our Nursery teacher is Miss Haigh who works alongside Mrs Gordon (Nursery Nurse)

Welcome to Towngate Primary Academy

I have been the Early Years leader at Towngate Primary Academy for the past four years. I am passionate that all children are supported and are encouraged throughout our setting to reach their full potential and prepare them for school life. As Reception class teacher, I am fortunate to watch some of our youngest learners flourish, ready to take on the adventures and challenges that lay ahead in Key Stage One.

Early Years: Our Vision Statement

At Towngate Primary Academy it is our intention that all children are able to achieve their full potential and develop a love for learning as they progress through the school.

All staff see the children as being at the heart of all we do. From the moment the children enter the classroom staff aim to ensure that both the children and their parents and carers feel welcome, valued and supported through their time in Foundation Stage. We have an open door policy through which we work towards developing an environment of mutual trust and respect.

We have high expectations of all staff and children within the setting. Ensuring that children feel safe and confident is at the heart of establishing a positive learning environment. Through valuing the children’s contributions to their curriculum and supporting their thinking, staff aim to move each child’s learning forward and encourage them to value their own learning and be reflective. Through our school values and rules, we teach the children to be ready, respectful and safe. We encourage children to develop independence, perseverance and determination and willingness to “have a go”, seeing a mistake as a vehicle for learning.

The environment is at the centre of the children’s learning. Staff ensure that resources are readily available and scaffold the child’s development and understanding of key skills. Areas are regularly changed and resources clearly labelled to promote a clear sense of independence when working within the provision. We aim to provide a language rich environment, which promotes a love of reading, writing and communication. We plan for all areas of the curriculum, and ensure these are embedded through the learning environment, allowing children to access a range of learning opportunities. The indoor and outdoor environment are of equal importance and enable the children to develop within all areas of the curriculum. Each offer their own unique experiences, which staff support through thoughtful interactions and questioning. The children demonstrated their characteristics of effective learning, by exploring resources and new skills, thinking critically and being willing to solve problems.

Staff interaction with the children are central to the children’s progress. Ensuring all staff have a good understanding of each child as an individual and of their learning and next steps, this is essential to ensuring learning is progressive and immersive. Staff work effectively as a team to teach and support children through focused tasks and through the provision, ensuring that expectations are high and challenge the children’s understanding.

We believe our children have the right to achieve in an environment, which values their ideas, thoughts and feelings, and with staff who understands that they are individuals and are able to guide and support them to achieve their next goal. We aim for every child to be secure in the prime and specific areas of learning as they move into Year 1. Overall, we strive to ensure that all children have the right to learn and to feel successful.

We aim to ensure that we support you and your child at this exciting stage of their learning journey. If you have any questions, queries or concerns please email me or contact the school office to arrnage an appointment.

Towngate pupil in a toy car

Early Years Vision

Early Years Vision Download Icon